On behalf of private client

Highbury Quadrant

Highbury, Islington, London, N5 2TE
A freehold residential-led development opportunity with planning permission for 39 residential apartments and the development of a new Church.

The existing site extends to approximately 0.28 hectares (0.69 acres) and was formerly occupied by the Highbury Quadrant Congregational Church. 

Planning permission (Ref: PP: P2020/2507/FUL) was granted at appeal in June 2022 for the “redevelopment of the existing Highbury Quadrant Congregational Church to provide a new church and associated community facilities including community space and church accommodation (Class F1), and a new part 3, part 5, and part 7 storey residential building comprising 39 apartments (Class C3). 

The proposed residential accommodation will be arranged as 14 x 1 Bedroom, 18 x 2 Bedroom, and 7 x 3 Bedroom flats extending to 2,915 sq. m. (31,385 sq. ft.) of total net saleable area and includes an allocation of 10 affordable homes (6 x Social Rented, 4 x Shared ownership). 

All residential apartments will benefit from private outside space.

For Sale freehold

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