On behalf of private client
1308-1312 High Road
whetstone, London n20 9hj
Development opportunity to provide 8 apartments, 2 detached houses and 2 commercial units in Whetstone.
The existing site comprises three buildings, with associated access and yards: one retail unit, a motor repair workshop and 2 apartments.
Planning Permission has been granted for the redevelopment of the site (Ref: 23/5437/FUL). The proposed scheme comprises two retail units on the ground floor, 2 x 4-bed houses, 6 x 1-bed apartments and the retention of 2 x 2-bed existing apartments.
The total proposed NIA (Residential) is approx. 750 sqm (8,073 sqft).
The total proposed NIA (Commercial) is approx. 611.2 sqm (6,579 sqft).
For sale freehold with vacant possession.